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Yucatán, Mexico - Jan 2013



Mini trip report.


Almost all of the places we visited this year we had done in previous years.  This was a bit of a "greatest hits" tour of the Yucatan.


- A five hour flight from Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada (-27c) to Cancun (+26c)


- From Cancun we took a taxi for 2 1/2 hour drive North West to the ferry terminal at Chliquila.


- 20 minute ferry ride the the Island of Holbox.


- We stayed for one week at the Mawimbi Hotel.


- While on the Island we walked, swam, visited many restaurants, rented a golf cart for the day to drive around the Island.


- Returned to Cancun and picked up our rental car near the airport and then drove South 1 1/2 hours, to the Akumal Beach Resort for a two week stay.


- Side trips to Tulum, Solomon Bay, Puerto Morelos, the Mayan ruins of Coba and Muyil.


- A wonderful day trip into the Sian Ka'an Biosphere (reserve) near the Muyil ruins, to float down a natural channel from a fresh water cenoté (lake) to the ocean.